RSVP on our Facebook Page HERE
Sunday, October 31st, 2021!
Gates open to all from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
$20 per car to park in show parking (no pre-registration required)
$10 per spectator. Parking for spectators is free
CASH ONLY - Exact change is appreciated
Gates open to all from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
$20 per car to park in show parking (no pre-registration required)
$10 per spectator. Parking for spectators is free
CASH ONLY - Exact change is appreciated
Participation Policy:
Please keep cars and music turned off when parked. Loud music, burnouts, donuts, and excessive engine revving are strictly prohibited. Offenders will be asked to leave the property. Dangerous/risky driving while arriving or leaving the premises will not be tolerated. Norwich Police, as well as State Police detail officers, will be on-site for the duration of the event and will be ticketing.
Also, per request of local police and facility management, we must ask that all attending the event enter/exit through the designated areas. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Participate at your own risk.
There will be no pre-registration. Due to the nature of UC3 events, and the sheer volume of cars attending, we cannot guarantee parking with friends, clubs, groups, etc. If you want the best chance at parking together, make sure to arrive together. Please note that even this does NOT guarantee that we will be able to grant all parking requests due to the extreme volume of traffic anticipated.
Spectator parking will be in a separate lot outside of the lots for registered show cars. If you do not plan to register your car for showing, you will be asked to park in the spectator area. Police officers and club members will be available to direct you.
All Cars Welcome:
For those who have yet to see one of our shows, we tend to amass some of the greatest diversity of cars in one place. Anyone who has been to a previous show can attest that there's something for everyone, including Classics, Domestics, Imports, Euros and even Supercars. All makes, models and price ranges of vehicles are welcome.
For UC3 Cars and Costumes, similar to UC3 2021, there will NOT be individual judging categories. Instead, we will be awarding the 10 best show cars.
Other Information:
- Please review the participation policy above if you haven’t already.
- Arrive with the people you want to park with for the best shot at being able to do so. There will not be any room to leave empty parking spaces open. (see pictures below for parking lots outside of the show that you can meet prior to arrival)
- We will have restrooms available at the show as well as food vendors.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or vendor, please contact the club for further details by email at [email protected], or contact us via our Facebook Page here: UC3 - United Car Club CT | Facebook. We will be able to send you further details on renting a space. If you intend on selling anything on-site, Certificates of Insurance will be required, so please keep this in mind. Please message us promptly if interested as spaces are limited.
Participate at your own risk
Please forward any further questions or comments also to [email protected]
Also note:
All unauthorized advertisements will be deleted from this page. Please contact admin if you would like something to be advertised.
Thank you and we hope to see you there!